Marie-Alexis Mezin


Trainee Patent Attorney



Marie-Alexis’s background in physics and mathematics with experience in computer science has equipped her to work on a broad spectrum of technologies within the Electronics & Communications team as well as complex mathematical fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, cryptography and more.

Prior to joining HLK as a trainee patent attorney, Marie-Alexis completed IP strategy consulting work for the Palo Alto Research Center, interned at a London patent law firm, and gained a certificate in an online patent law course from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School.

Marie-Alexis obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics from École Polytechnique, France’s preeminent grande école in science and engineering. For her final year thesis, Marie-Alexis conducted research in applied fluid dynamics at the CNRS (Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique), Europe’s largest fundamental science agency, with the aim of designing and developing microrobots that could be deployed as vessels for targeted drug delivery in medical applications. During her studies, Marie-Alexis applied knowledge of object-oriented programming in C++ to help develop a video game from scratch; gained hands-on experience of quantum machine learning in an IBM summer program; contributed to the launch campaign for 5G Asia as an intern at Informa Tech; and was one of 12.5% of applicants selected to participate in a J.P. Morgan Hackathon.

Marie-Alexis was born in San Francisco, attended primary school in Paris, and completed secondary school and Sixth Form in London. She holds British, American and French nationalities and is bilingual in English and French. Marie-Alexis has independently studied Spanish and Korean and is currently working toward fluency in Mandarin.

Legal notice – Haseltine Lake Kempner LLP


BSc Mathematics & Physics (École Polytechnique)